I'm leaving this blog since, you know, I never update... BUT I'm gonna try again with a new blog so head on over there is you are so inclined
A Mess of a Dreamer
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Posted by Amanda at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Feeling lost
So apparently I'm really no good at updating...partly I blame this on the fact that not much happens in my life that is worth blogging about, but mostly I'm lazy.
Life has been pretty blah as of late. I go to work, come home and see Ryan for a few hours, go to sleep, and then get up and do it again. I haven't seen any friends since early May; I felt like life was on pause for so long, now it just feels like I'm stuck on repeat. I'm bored, I'm feeling a little lost in life right now. Ryan is the only person over 6 that I talk to anymore; and lets face it neither one of us really cares what happens to the other while at work, which lends itself to a lot of one-sided conversations.
I need to do something artistic again, I need to create something (does that sound lame?). It's become almost like an itch that I just can't scratch and it's starting to drive me nuts. I've never been out of art classes for so long; I didn't think I'd miss Rosemont, but I'd LOVE a printmaking studio, a ceramics studio, or even just a room to paint in right now. I want to paint, I've wanted to paint, for months now, but 1) I have all these ideas in my head that involve crazy things like transparencies and overhead projectors and 2) there is no room in this apartment for me to do anything. We need to move like yesterday.
I'd like to be out of this place by October, rent is ridiculous. Ryan's been talking to a realtor, now all we have to do is find a house we want to see and we can go look at it. Hopefully it won't take real long...
Posted by Amanda at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
baby pictures
EDIT: So it turns out the first pictures I got were just the girls, she forgot to send the pictures of the boys. Jethro is one of these two puppies, just not sure which one yet.
Posted by Amanda at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I got an email yesterday from the breeder we're getting our new dog from. She sent two pictures of the puppies, unfortunately they are still so young that their eyes aren't open and they aren't moving around a whole lot yet. We'll have to wait a week or two more before we choose which one we want. I don't know which two are the boys and which two are the girls, but I, of course, have the two cutest ones picked out already....
Posted by Amanda at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Big news!
I apologize for not keeping up with this lately. April was not a good blogging month, but hopefully May will be better.
In house hunting news, Ryan went to the bank last week and got pre-approved for a loan and we've found a house that we really like with 3 bedrooms and a HUGE backyard. We're just waiting to hear back from the real estate agent to find out when we can go look at it.
But, the BIG news I got today is that Jasper is a big brother! I got an email from the breeder today saying that Lucy, Jasper's mom, had 4 chubby little puppies on Wednesday, 2 boys and 2 girls. We'll be getting pictures of them next weekend so that we can choose the one we want. Jasper doesn't seem all that excited yet, but he doesn't really get it yet, I, on the other hand, am super excited!
Posted by Amanda at 5:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Super cool blog
So check out this awesome blog I stumbled onto kiniart.blogspot.com
She sells her stuff on a bunch of different websites, including cafepress and inktastic, both of which will print the designs on ceramic tiles. Ryan said that once we get a house I'm allowed to get a bunch of the tiles to redo a bathroom! I'm super excited.
Posted by Amanda at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
House hunting
Ryan has been looking at real estate since we were in college, just browsing through listings when we weren't really looking to buy anything was fun, which made me think actually looking for a house would be fun. I was wrong, house hunting is hard, and it costs so much more than you first think it will. You set a budget and think, if we pay this $xxx for the house then the mortgage will only be this $x a month and we can do that no problem. But then you have to add in the property tax and mortgage insurance and all this other stuff. Which in turn brings the budget down and makes it almost impossible to find a house with the number of rooms that we want that isn't in a 55+ community.
We thought we found a good house, it only had 2 bedrooms, but it was 1,700 sq. ft. and right on the Perkiomen creek. Unfortunately the yard was minuscule, even for Jasper it would have been too small and when we get another dog there really wouldn't have been any room for them to run around. Plus Ryan crunched some numbers and it turned out it would have been too far out of our price range anyway. Also not working in our favor is the fact that there are practically NO houses in this area for sale that are anywhere near our price range, I think there is one and its a little smaller than we would like.
So we've been looking at foreclosure listings and bank-owned homes. There is one in particular that we really like, at least from the outside, we haven't seen the inside at all yet. We're gonna talk to a realtor and the bank that owns the house and hopefully we can get it for lower than market value. Plus it has a ton of land and lots of trees, so fingers crossed that this one works out. The only thing that I feel a little bad about is, there are still people living in the house, even though it was foreclosed and the bank owns it, so if we bought it, we'd have to kick them out :(
I've also been watching a lot of HGTV, so I really want to paint some walls, or tile something, it's getting a little ridiculous.
Posted by Amanda at 9:04 AM 0 comments