Saturday, January 23, 2010

Super excited

I decided about a week ago that I wanted to throw Ryan a super cool birthday party since he never really had one as a kid. Ryan, however, hates it when people call attention to his birthday. He hates it so much that for the past 10 or so years, with the exception of last year, he has made sure he was in another state on his birthday so that no one could do anything about it. Ridiculous, I know, but I figured that if I throw a REALLY cool party he can't complain too much.

Unfortunately, Ryan's birthday is not until July, so I was getting all excited about it now and couldn't do anything. Then I realized that MY birthday is next month, so while I wait for July I can throw myself a super cool party. And let me tell you, it will be SUPER cool. All my party supplies just got here yesterday, balloons, streamers, plates, cups, tablecloth, napkins, invitations, it's all themed and I'm working on other decorations and themed food items. Every time I think of something else Ryan just shakes his head and laughs, but he is agreeing to let me do all of it, and he even said he would help with some of it. I SO wish it were my birthday already, I'm getting super-duper excited about it, but I still have to wait a month. But my party is going to be so rockin' that people from other states are coming....I CAN'T WAIT!!

p.s.- I would tell you what the theme to my party is, but it's kind of a secret until all the invitations go out...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fabulous bread pt.2

Finally... here is what my Fabulous bread creation looks like:

I also made a dragon, but I don't have a good picture of that one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fabulous bread

Today the kids and I made "Fabulous Bread", its cool, but it sounds much cooler than it really is. For Christmas Anne (the woman I babysit for) got a book called "1,4440 things to do with kids", fabulous bread is the second activity we've taken from it. The first was "Magic Mud", just cornstarch and water, that however didn't go over too well with Evan, who doesn't like getting his hands messy. Fabulous bread is more like homemade clay, so he was a little more excited about it. It's super easy to make 4 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, 1 1/4 cup of water, just mix until its the consistency of soft clay. Then I rolled some out and let the kids use cookie cutters to make the shapes that they wanted. I did something a little more advanced, but I'll wait til tomorrow to share that so I can have a picture to go with it. Then you bake it at 350, 1/2 hour for thin pieces, 1 hour for thicker pieces. After it cools you can paint it. The kids shapes turned out pretty cool, but their dad came home before we were able to paint them, which is good because now we have something to do after school tomorrow.