My birthday party was Friday night, unfortunately I was ubber busy during the party so I didn't get to take any pictures until after everyone had already left, which is why there are no people in my pictures. It is not because no one came ;) Lucky for me Greg and Erika were able to come over an hour early to help get the apartment ready. They hung all the streamers, pictures, and labeled all the bottles of Butterbeer for me while Ryan and I tried to salvage the cake and got the food stuffs, and I got
the front door ready. I have to say, probably my best birthday ever, I got some pretty cool presents and a good bit of birthday cash.
9 years ago
I found your blog through Little Miss Scaterbrain's blog. Just wanted to tell you I love the Harry Potter Bday party idea. My best friend is obsessed with HP so it would be perfect for her.
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