We've had so much snow lately its ridiculous. They were predicting another big storm for Tuesday night through the day Wednesday so on my way home from work on Tuesday I stopped at Wal-mart to pick up some more yarn. I wanted to make sure I had enough to keep me busy during my impending snow day. I found this cool patter for a beanie hat here and thought I would try it out so that Ryan had a hat to wear while he shoveled us out. I managed to finish it Tuesday night, but unfortunately it turned out like this:It looks good, but the hook I used was too small, so it wouldn't fit Ryan's head. It's more little boy sized than adult sized.
I started it again on Wednesday (since we did indeed get quite a storm and I was called off work!) but this time I used a bigger hook. Half way through the hat I took a break and went outside to play in the snow with Ryan and Jasper. Poor little Jasper has to either hop from one of Ryan's foot prints to the next or practically swim through the snow on his own. As you can imagine, forging his own path takes him a little while; but he can hop pretty fast so he usually stays right behind Ryan. When Jasper got tired we let him back in the house and Ryan and I made a snow man:Apparently this is the first snowman Ryan has ever made. When he was little he would just make a big pile of snow and call it a 'snow ghost'; how creative ;) This guy ended up being taller than me, but unfortunately he has no nose....Oh well, maybe next time.
Once I came back inside and warmed up I finished Ryan's hat:I think it turned out pretty good the second time around. Ryan was wearing it when he left this morning a little after 8. He's somewhere in Trappe shoveling, he's been there for a while, but he's making $20 an hour, so we can't complain too much. Hopefully his hat is keeping him warm.
Now I'm off to continue my project for my second snow day, a hat for myself :)
9 years ago
the hat turned out great!! your so crafty :)
wish we lived closer! i so wanted to build a snowman yesterday, but felt really lame about going out in the snow by myself haha.
i love how unc used to make snow ghosts. so funny!
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