Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A morning alone

Posted by Amanda at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
I didn't get to post yesterday, so I will have to post 2 pictures today to make up for it. Here's what I had for yesterday.Yes, the top of the paper does say "doodle pad for young Schwenkies" I got bored during the Christmas Eve serivice...
And here is the picture for todayRyan got me a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and dogs can use it too! So this is a picture of Jasper's mii, super cute right?
Posted by Amanda at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Alright, so my latest attempt at keeping up with this blog has been pretty pathetic, however I have a new idea. I'm going to try to post a picture a day, maybe that will help me remember to post and not worry about what to post about.
In other news, I stumbled onto this little etsy page the other day arian.etsy.com. Super cute art, super cute artist. She also has a blog, which I of course read compulsively until I ran out of posts to read. Which inspired me to start drawing again, something I haven't done since before college. For some reason being an art major really made me not want to draw anymore; maybe because it became something I had to do instead of something I wanted to do? I don't know.
Anyway, if you check out Arian's etsy page you'll be able to see how much her art actually did inspire some of the stuff I've been doing in the past few days. Here's what I did tonight.
Posted by Amanda at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
I need friends
Or at least friends that live closer
I want to see New Moon, but Ryan won't take me
Posted by Amanda at 9:26 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm back
Now that all that wedding business, finding a job, moving, and getting used to being married is done, I have time to sit down and blog a little. I won't promise that I'll be constant, but maybe I'll stick with it this time...maybe.
Anyway, last night was Pop's birthday dinner and Cassie (Ryan's cousin) was telling us all about the work she's been doing with a philanthropic company in Ireland. She gets to go over there 4 times a year now. After listening to her talk about it I'm even more excited at the prospect of possibly moving there in a couple years. Ryan should have his certification by this summer hopefully, which will make him much more employable to the tree companies that have international offices. After that all we have to do is save enough money to get over there and decide whether we want to move to Oxford, so he can go back to school while we're there, or somewhere in Ireland. I'm super excited now, but we'll see what happens in the next year....
Posted by Amanda at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Invisible Children
So Invisible Children has done it again. On Saturday Ryan and I went into Philly to Independance Hall Park to "abduct" ourselves in solidarity with the child soliders in Uganda. Invisible Children put an end to night commuting with the Global Night Commute, this time they are trying to bring home all of the 300,000 abducted child soldiers. So starting Saturday thousands of people in 100 cities in 10 countries around the world abducted themselves and vowed not to leave until they were rescued by both the media and a person of influence in our society (i.e.-a celebrity, senator, or someone from congress). Unfortunately we were unable to stay the whole night as Ryan had barely slept the night before. Philly was rescued by a congressman around 8 p.m. Sunday, and as of right now there is still one city left out of the 100, Chicago. They aren't leaving until someone rescues them, hopefully it will happen soon, they've been there for 4 days, and not in the greatest weather.
Posted by Amanda at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I wish I had a picture...
I'M ENGAGED! Finally, ha ha. Unfortunately my digital camera doesn't have a macro feature that works the way it should, so I can't focus close enough to get a picture of my ring, or I would post it. However, I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this has probably already seen it or will see it relatively soon.
Posted by Amanda at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
RIdiculously priced rocks and babies
Saturday Ryan and I went to pick out the stone for my engagement ring. Wendy had 3 stones for us to look at, and honestly they all looked almost exactly the same. Though one wasn't quite as clear as the others and one was almost pink instead of red, oh yeah, and there was about a $1000 difference between them. One was a little over 500, one was 12 something and one was 15 something. And when Wendy asked Ryan which one he liked better he said "whichever one she wants, it doesn't matter"---I was like WHAT! Of course it matters, retard, they look the same, why spend over $1500 dollars on something when you can get almost the exact same thing for $1000 less. Needless to say, I picked the cheap one. Wendy placed the stone in the setting so we could see what it would look like once they had it all together, and then she made me put it on! Even though I couldn't keep it; that's the second time they told me to put it on and then took it back. Ridiculous. Anyway, Wendy said it should be done Saturday, so I'll be getting it anytime after that.
Posted by Amanda at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wendy called Ryan today. I get to go pick out the stone for my engagement ring tomorrow!
Posted by Amanda at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Feeling incredibly smart for once
All the things I got to do this weekend:
Posted by Amanda at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
On and on and on
So, I'm updating, though I don't have much to say. Work has been challenging to say the least. Russell has been having a hard time listening and he doesn't exactly enjoy picking up after himself. Which means we have to start 'clean up time' about an hour before lunch so that the house is clean before he eats. I had to put him in time out the other day and he screamed for 5 minutes straight, no exaggeration. Also, I still need another job...
Posted by Amanda at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Things are looking up
So, Ryan and I are going to look at apartments tomorrow, not for both of us, just for him. But I figured it couldn't be a bad sign that he asked me to go with him.
Posted by Amanda at 12:13 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
I wish...
I wish I had something exciting to write about. Nothing seems to be happening at the moment. I've been meaning to update for the past few days, but every time I tried to I could find the words. I feel like I have so much to say, but it just won't come out.
Posted by Amanda at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Posted by Amanda at 11:57 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Following forgotten dreams
So, y'all are gonna think I'm crazy, but I've had this secret dream, since I was in like middle school, to be a model. And watching marathons of ANTM never helps (though I haven't done that in a while). Crazy right, I'm not at all model material, but whatevs, its my dream, I'll make it what I want.
Anyway, so the other day I'm trolling all the posts on craigslist looking for anything interesting and I find this:
Hi. I'm looking to do a concept shoot and would like to use a thin/petite model. The fewer curves the better.... If interested, please email me with a sample photo and any questions you may have. I will be happy to provide details at that time.
So my first thought is, whoa, I have NO curves, I'd be perfect, ha ha, and then I ignored it and moved on. But the thought stuck with me and I went back a day or two later and the post was still there. So I thought 'what the heck, why not at least email the guy'. I mean, I know how hard it is to get people to model for you, especially when you're looking for something specific and you're not offering money.
So I emailed him, and he emailed back (Kara thinks he's a rapist, but whatev, I'm too trusting for that to be my first thought). Due to the fact that I can, at times, look like I've just returned from a prison camp, he said my 'look' would work just fine. So I'm gonna do it, and I'm making Kara come with me for two reasons 1.) So I don't get raped and killed and 2.) I thought it would be a cool experience for her since she's really gotten into her photography lately. Plus, it'll be a good experience for me and my shiz too.
The other dream I've had (since third grade) and not told anyone about was being a writer. I've wanted to be a writer for so long. I used to write little stories and 'publish' them in my own little 'paper' and then hand them out to my family. I even illustrated a couple of them. Unfortuantely, as I got older I kinda stopped writing, I mean, every now and then I'll get a really good line and write it down somewhere, but never anything long enough to do something with.
Well, about 3 months ago, as I was driving home from somewhere, a really good line jumps into my head, and I was like 'oh crap, that is just too good to let go'. So I figured it was time I actually started trying to write the book I've always wanted to write, which is where my other blog came from. Whether or not I'll get anywhere with it is yet to be seen, but who knows, maybe I'll actually finish this one...
Posted by Amanda at 6:42 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Buzzed confessions
So, Wyatt and little Wyatt (Vickie) had an after party, after their reception (hence the 'after' part of the party). Anyway, there was a lot of alcohol at the after party because there wasn't any at the reception. Now, I'm not a big drinker, but they had rasberry chuck and I didn't realize this until after I already had a green apple. Two drinks usually aren't a problem for me as long as I eat something, and I was kinda eating stuff, but since there was rasberry chuck too, I had 3 drinks, and then Wyatt thought it was funny that I was 'buzzed' so he went and got me another drink, which I only drank half of before Ryan wouldn't let me have it anymore.
I wasn't drunk, I was just buzzed, I swear, I was thinking straight and could balance on one foot and everything, I even remember the whole night, I was just really dizzy, and seeing how I get dizzy easily without help...well, you can imagine. Also, I know that when I get like that, I'm not entirely in control what comes out of my mouth. Not that what I say is terrible, I just usually edit better, mostly its stuff about myself that I usually wouldn't tell anyone. So this time, after a lot of people had already left, Ryan and I were sitting with Dan, Bria, Nathanael, Beth, and Kristin...actually, Beth might not have been with us at that point...anyway, Kristin and I were talking (Ryan was the only other one listening to us) about kids...to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why, but I did tell her that they have to wait so that we can have kids at the same time, that way they can grow up together. I was saying that the other day I had been reading about natural gender selection (which is basically choosing the gender of your baby by the kind of foods you eat and other things like that).
I've been saying for the last year or so that I want 2 kids, but only if the first is a boy, because I don't want to chance having 2 girls. But as I was talking to Kristin about this, I was telling her something I didn't plan on telling anyone...as much as I want 2 kids, I don't really know if I want a boy first or not, because as much as I want a boy and a girl, I really want a girl, and I'm afraid that if I do have a kid that I'll only be able to have one. The reason behind my fear? Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease where tissue that lines the uterus also grows outside of the uterus, causeing several things including infertility. I don't know that I have this disease, its just something that I'm afraid of because its characterized by a screwed up menstral cycle, which I have. Now I could just have that because I'm little and my weight yo-yos a lot, or because I'm slightly anemic, or whatever, but it could also be caused by endometriosis. Which is frightening.
So, after having this conversation with Kristin, she gets up for something and while she's gone I look over at Ryan. He looks at me, almost sadly, and says real quiet "You never told me you were worried about that." I just shrugged and looked away, what are you suppost to say to that? "Oh, sorry, I never really planned on telling anyone, let alone you, I just happen to have a little too much tonight and I'm not editting what I say very well." Yeah, I don't think so.
Its not that I didn't want him to know eventually, but...he's always on the look out for me to be manipulating him into marrying me sooner than he wants too. I want kids, and he knows that, but I don't want him to think that I would use something like this to get him to marry me sooner so that I could have kids, or find out if I can anyway. I don't know, maybe that sounds crazy....yeah, it probably does sound crazy, it kinda is, but thats my life. And now one of my biggest fears is out there in the open, so hopfully he'll do something good with it and not just ignore that fact that I'm serioulsy worried about it.
Though what I expect him to do about it I have no idea...
Posted by Amanda at 7:37 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
My uninteresting life
So, I'm in MD for Wyatt and Vickie's wedding, and I'm spending the night at Vickie's. However, anyone who knows Vickie knows she goes to bed the same time any normal 80 year old would (ok, so its not really that early, but hey, I exaggerate, get over it), and I'm the only one here besides her family since all the guys are staying at their apartment with Wyatt. So to occupy my time between when Vic went upstairs to sleep and when I am going to sleep I've been trolling through random blogs. I have to say, and yes, I know this sounds stalkerish, I enjoy reading about other people's lives. The things is, other people are so much more entertaining than I am.
There was this one blog, especiaLEE, that was about an asian girl who lives in LA (or there abouts) and goes to college in Syracuse, there wasn't anything overly special about what she was writing, just what she was doing during her break from school, and how she felt about having to go back, and you know what? It was way more interesting than anything I've written on this blog, aside from maybe that one post about how I was falling apart. I have to admit, that was some pretty dramatic stuff, true, but dramatic all the same.
Why can't my life be cool and interesting? Maybe a better question is why do I bother? No one ever reads this anyway....Though maybe I should put a counter on, that way I would know how many people are actually here and just not commenting...
Posted by Amanda at 10:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Coloring Patience
So, for the first time today I got to color with the 2 year old I babysit. I've tried coloring with him before, but he always lost interest quickly. Well, he got a Cars color wonder coloring book for Christmas and he was really excited about coloring in it, but like with everything else I HAVE to do it with him or he pouts. Unfortunately he wanted my HELP, which in 2 year old terms means that he wanted to color only where I was coloring and no where else. I, on the other hand, cannot handle coloring in the same place as someone else. I about smacked the kid, he kept pushing my marker out of the way and coloring over what I had already done!
I have no patience for children that color like that. If my children ever tried that with me, they'd lose they're crayons for a week.
Posted by Amanda at 2:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Posting again already...
Yes, yes I am posting again already, hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this a little better than I have the past year, but who knows.
So I changed the layout...again. I hate boring layouts and I hate cool layouts that don't let you post pictures. Lame.
Anyway, things have been going well, I think mostly I get so desperate sometimes because I can't say this stuff to Ryan's face. I always have things planned that I want to say to him, or I rant at him in my head, but once I actually get in front of him it just doesn't seem that important anymore.
For now my biggest problem is paying all my bills. I NEED another job, but I can't seem to find one at the moment.
P.S.- Comments are always nice, even anonymous ones.
Posted by Amanda at 4:18 PM 0 comments